
Friday, August 31, 2012

Frenzied Fussy Good Day

Today has been a really good day. Nothing huge happened. In fact, the first couple of hours were a little rough. Lily has been waking up earlier and earlier, which isn't that bad except that I had this awesome grand plan that I would start waking up 30 minutes before the kids so that I could use that time to quick shower and get dressed for the day. My plan was that with that task out of the way I could hit two birds with one stone, 1. have naptime to myself for homework and writing and 2. to train myself to become more pleasant in the morning for my poor husband's sake. Since the evening I declared my new schedule, Lily has literally beat my alarm clock by ten minutes every day (even when I set it for earlier than the previous day). I already started my day off behind schedule, then I had a super fussy baby on my hands, and then for the first time ever in this pregnancy I fell asleep without even realizing it. Thank the Lord I had already put Lily back down for her morning nap when I fell into one of my own. So when I woke up still in pajamas with yesterday's makeup and some nasty hair, I thought for sure this would not be a great day.

But with a splash of blush and a touch up of my old makeup (ok if you are reading this and thinking about how gross that is, you are a liar...either that or you haven't truly lived if you have never put a "top coat" over yesterday's mascara). We were out the door, frenzied but all safely buckled in. And then a glorious thing happened. The day went beautifully! I came home and felt energized to both write and do homework and maybe even a little clean up if I am really crazy. This post doesn't really have some huge reflective meaning or depth to it, but just to encourage you. Get out there! Live your life, go have fun, go spend time with someone new, just do something! Even when your makeup is crunchy--believe it or not it can still be a good day. My favorite news anchor growing up always ended the morning segment with the same sign off and I will leave you with the same (from Scott Sam's mouth to your ears). "Make it a great day!"

Friday, August 24, 2012

You Forget

You forget. Once you are in love with someone. You forget everything. You forget how much it hurt, it physically ached, not to be with them in love. How the most romantic stories or movies or books, made you feel miserable. The way I couldn't breath when you stood close to me. The way I was constantly looking for you in the room, even without realizing it. You forget how hard you pray that this will end or that it will begin--and you honestly don't know which you want more. Somehow if I could just keep you for me or lose you altogether I would be better off. You forget how much you hated to love. You forget how the whole world watched and waited, at least it felt that way. I forget all of that because being with you is the realization of every dream I didn't know I had and some of the ones I did. Because it is that wonderful. Because every day feels like I always wanted it to.

Sadie Hawkins Spring 2006

Thursday, August 23, 2012

At Some Point I Waved Farewell to "Normal"

Today I am twenty five, but in two days I will be twenty six. But not really, well really, but not. My birthday has been moved to Monday this year. Being a wife and a mom, rescheduling my birthday has become totally normal. The first time I hated it, I shouldn't have to reschedule my one special day! Now, its no big thing. And to top it off, Saturdays are my least favorite day of the week so it all works out. My husband is home for the morning (favorite part) and we have family time, but then he leaves at lunch time for work and comes back after all is said and done with the Saturday night service at our church, usually by 7:15ish. It's not the longest day of the week, but it's my least favorite because it's so broken up that it feels like three different days all squeezed into one long day. I hate taking the kids out on Saturdays because everything is so crowded.'s suffice to say that I am just fine with moving my birthday to beloved Monday. Monday is Austin's day off and everyone else is at work and we have practically no waits, no lines, no worries....the world is our oyster. When all my facebook friends are complaining about having a case of the Mondays, I'm happy as a lark. In this stage of life, I've learned that I will just be happier if you can be flexible and adjustable while still being responsible and structured. It's all about balancing expectations. It used to seem so weird and wrong to not have a normal Friday night to Sunday night weekend, it used to seem unfair to reschedule my birthday, one baby used to seem like so much work. Our life is kinda crazy, kinda weird, and kinda the perfect representation for us. Structured, but not the typical way. 

Now, how do I hide this blog post from myself on those days that I want normalcy?